Oct 16, 2018
In this episode we talk with skateboarder Dan Edmondson. Dan talks about reclaiming his life after traversing significantly tough challenges, including a train accident that led to the loss of his legs. Dan provides details regarding the steps he’s taken, and the mindset he utilized in order to get from the hospital bed to flying down hills on his board. We all go through significant challenges and Dan’s path provides insight on how to reclaim your life after these challenges.
In 2014, Dan was in a traumatic train accident that resulted in the amputation of both of his legs below the knee. He made a remarkable recovery and is now very active in adaptive sports as a downhill skateboarder, snowboarder, wake surfer, instructor, and advocate. Edmondson works with the Adaptive Skate Kollective (ASK), a nonprofit that offers support and training to adaptive skateboarders. He says, part of his mission in working with the ASK is to encourage other amputees to try skateboarding and get active. He said, “If you have a disability and you like skateboarding, then do skateboarding...there’s nothing stopping you. You may have to find a new way to ride. Lots of people have done that."
You can find Daniel Edmondson on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/danieljedmondson/?hl=en
The Adaptive Skate Kollective website and social media accounts are below. http://adaptiveskate.org https://www.facebook.com/adaptiveskatekollective/ https://www.instagram.com/adaptiveskatekollective/?hl=en
Dan Edmondson’s Book https://www.amazon.com/Adaptive-Skate-Coloring-Daniel-Edmondson/dp/1631777475
Reclaim Your Life After Things Go Wrong - Dan Edmondson - 025
This episode is brought to you by Living Adaptive with Scott Davidson. Find Living Adaptive at, www.livingadaptive.com for more information. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/living_adaptive/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livingadaptive/