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Jan 23, 2020

Gratitude for Life with IED Survivor (U.S. Army), Cannabis Activist, Speaker, and Surfer - Jose Martinez and also Surfer and Life Coach Jacob Pacheco 
Alright, so we got Jose Martinez and Jacob Pacheco joining us from Oceanside, CA.  Jose Martinez shares his story, his insight, and how he built his platform.

Jan 11, 2020

You’ll hear from the latest and now former Tough Mudder (TM) CEO Kyle McLaughlin.  This is perhaps Kyle’s last interview prior to departing TM.  I don’t have details to share as to why Kyle left Tough Mudder, but I suggest following our friends over at Obstacle Racing Media (links below) for up-to-date information...

Jan 7, 2020

From Accident to Hitting Podium at the Spartan Para Championship - John De Haan
John De Haan is one of the top Obstacle Course Racing para athletes in the world, arguably fighting for the position of the best, he’s up for top athlete in the Netherlands this year.  John De Haan went from traumatic accident to...