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Jun 30, 2020

Amputee on reality TV (survivor)? How does one handle this spotlight? What does it take to succeed in the spotlight, set records running extreme races on a prosthetic leg, and at the same time become a medical doctor? Find out now as Kelly Bruno checks in.
Kelly Bruno is the peak of the adaptive world. She...

Jun 18, 2020
Today’s show is adaptive athlete Steven Walker’s story and the topic for this week is inclusivity and unity within the disability community. 
Steven and I are friends and I messaged Steven after he made a profound post about unity and asked if he wanted to come on and talk about...

Jun 9, 2020
Katherine Beattie is a TV Writer (NCIS: NOLA) with a Disability
Today’s show is about a person with a disability that made a place for herself in Entertainment despite road blocks. Yes, Katherine Beattie has a disability, Cerebral Palsy, and she explains that if she can make it in...