Sep 25, 2017
In this episode you will hear my interview with Matthew Hadden. This episode is a must, because you get to learn about how a determined warrior, like Matthew, battles through life with a terminal cancer diagnosis. A little background, Matthew Hadden was training for his dream job in law enforcement when he received the devastating news of his diagnosis of a rare form of bone cancer (osteosarcoma) in early 2015. Matt has gone through various cancer treatments and now is receiving phase one clinical trial treatments to combat his cancer. Matt went through numerous surgeries and did have an above the knee amputation of his left leg. He continues to move forward as he traverses all the challenges of this serious cancer. Matt provides us with insight in regards to living with the diagnosis of terminal cancer. He shares his story, his plans, and what he’s learned during this process. Find Matthew Hadden on his website, and instagram, Constant_Reader_Healer This episode is brought to you by Living Adaptive with Scott Davidson. Go to and @living_adaptive for further information.